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a sad loss of a very good friend. could not have known a nicer person . a very talented man in many ways .

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to tim meyers

Thank you for the great review of my song, You Gotta Feel It, very much appreciated. Please feel free to listen to more of my songs as you requested. I'll also listen to some of yours. Good luck with your songs. Joe Stewart

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Kaye Logan

Thank you Kaye for your review of I Just Melt Away. It's an old song of mine so it's nice that you like it even as it is. Joe Stewart

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to lost on foot

Thank you so much for your detailed review of my song, Sign of the Times. I particularly liked your comment that you didn't listen as a critic, you just listened as a music fan. That is a great way to approach this so thank you again. I am in Leeds so it was also nice to hear from a UK songwriter. Joe Stewart

1 Replies
lost on foot
over 30 days ago

Hi Joe, really made me smile when I saw you were English and from Leeds I really thought it would be someone from the mid west - loved the song and the voice all the best regards Chris

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Kate Carpenter

Wow! It doesn't get any better than full marks so thank you so much for your review of Stay With Me. Your comments are very flattering and are very much appreciated. The song was produced in the UK believe it or not which is a real compliment to a British songwriter to be compared with Nashville. Thank you once again and good luck with your own works. Joe Stewart

2 Replies
Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Wow you sure had me fooled! Mrs. Kate

James Burns
over 30 days ago

Hi Mrs. Kate. You are an amazing artist. An artist in every way. I would be honored (any writer would) if you took the songs I have here at broadjam and let you do anything you wanted to make em better. Thats how amazing you are. Good Health

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Robert Donovan

Thank you Robert for such a great review of my song, A Life of My Own, that means a great deal to me and for you to play it more than once was a bonus. Joe Stewart

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

Nice song, I would give you 10* but my site is not letting me give star or play lists...loved this...a friend in music

2 Replies
Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

Hi Delta, Thank you for your very kind comments but what song are you referring to? I can't see anywhere that you have reviewed anything for me. Joe Stewart

Delta Burnett Reed
over 30 days ago

The Wrong Road.... it was well done.... I found you another persons page that had reviewed you...I do that sometimes...That gives me a chance too find great musicians.... I am a friend in music 🎶🎶🎶

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Ian Ritchie

Thank you Ian for your review of my song, My Little Town, this kind of Review makes everything worthwhile. Joe

1 Replies
Ian Ritchie
over 30 days ago

It was a pleasure buddy!

James McAlister
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

Nice stuff, Joe!

1 Replies
Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

Thank you James, which song were you listening to because I can't see any trace of you on reviews etc? Joe

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

Hey Joe thanks for the words on my minute slice--it is intended for a short cue-all the best WH

2 Replies
Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

I thought that was probably the purpose of the piece. Anyway, I really liked it. Joe

Warren Hein
over 30 days ago

thanks i'll connect with you and send you the full song...
xoxo WH

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Marilyn Hall

Thank you once again Marilyn for a great review of my song A Younger Girl, very encouraging. This is one of my much older songs, hence the poorer sound and production. Thank you and good luck with your work. Joe Stewart

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Rick Dean Smith

Thank you so much for your review of my song, "Wrap Your Arms Around Me". It doesn't get any better than full marks and it will really encourage me to keep on writing. Joe Stewart

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Randy Steward

Hi Randy, I received an e mail saying that you had reviewed my song "Love Will Never Die" but I can't find this anywhere on my site. Did you review it and if so could you please send me your comments? Thank you in advance and sorry to bother you! Joe

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Michael Clothier

Thank you Michael for your review of my song Can You Hear Me, much appreciated. I listened to your song Heart Inside of Me. Is this you singing? I love those high pitched vocals and wish I could sing like that because it can give a song a totally different feel but my voice is much lower. Joe

1 Replies
Michael Clothier
over 30 days ago

Hey Joe, nice to hear from you. Yeah, most of the songs on here are from around the year 2000 and that was my younger voice, but I can still hit those higher notes. I just choose to write in a more comfortable key these days. December is recent though. We had the idea for about 10 years and this year finally finished it. Always you and me was when I was in a rock band in the late 80's. I was the guitar player and wrote the music for this song. Michael

Randy Steward
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

My wife and I have been married for 35 years and I know what you mean. Our music has certainly changed with where we are, as life progresses.

1 Replies
Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

Hi Randy, Thank you for your review of my song, Love of the Family, much appreciated. Not sure what you are referring to in your message, I know what you mean etc. I'd like to respond but not sure how to. Nice work on your songs. Joe

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Marilyn Hall

Hi Marilyn, Thank you for another very good and kind review of my song You No Longer Love Me. Joe

1 Replies
Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

Hi Marilyn, Thank you for your very positive review of my song, "The First Girl Through That Door,". Nice comments help to keep driving us in to write knowing that some of your peers like your work. Joe

Thanks so much Amy for the 5-star rating for Addicted to Your Memory - much appreciated :-)

1 Replies
Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

Thank you Amy for your review of my song Sign of the Times. Writing country songs from the UK is not as easy as it probably is for an American but still yours was a good review so thank you for that. Joe

Marilyn Hall
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

Thanks again for a good constructive review of "I Love Desperados". I appreciate the support.

1 Replies
Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

No problem, it was my pleasure. Look forward to hearing more. Joe

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Birthe Noer Myers

Thank you for your review of Love of the Family, you were very kind and scored the song very highly. Good luck with your work. Joe

1 Replies
Birthe Noer Myers
over 30 days ago

To Kate, Have been thinking - it was absolutely meant as a compliment when I said your song sounds German inspired - it sounds wonderfully like the genre, which is lovely, Not for a minute did I think it was in imitation. Your song is lovely and unique, it is as lovely as its inadvertent European peers.

Marilyn Hall
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

I appreciate your review of "America Stands". Coming from a Brit, that's good. The line you were wondering about is America stands and liberty rings!
Thanks again.

1 Replies
Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

Thank you for the correction, that is better than reigns. It's always difficult critiquing other songwriters work because you can always find fault on even the best songs. Your work is very good and I look forward to hearing more if it and good luck with them. Joe

Marilyn Hall
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

Thanks for you constructive review of "Goodbye, That's All She Wrote". Best to you.

Thanks Joe for the review. Good observations, Felice

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

Hi Joe. Thank you for the review of my instrumental hot boiled peanuts. There's a version with vocals that makes,a lot more sense. Keep warm and God bless you. Mrs. Kate

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

Hi Joe. Thank you for the review of my instrumental hot boiled peanuts. There's a version with vocals that makes,a lot more sense. Keep warm and God bless you. Mrs. Kate

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Brian McNulty

Hi Brian, Thanks for this review of my song Country Girl. I don't know if you have done this yourself but you write a song and find it difficult to categorise it. This was one such song for me. What category do you feel it should be in?
As you may have seen, I am an English man but I love Country music but of course we can never really do Country justice, certainly on the vocals. However, I am trying to do my best and at least I'm glad you didn't think the melody was too bad.

2 Replies
Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago

Hi Joe, Hope my comments didn't offend you in any way. They were meant to be helpful. I would classify it as I did in the review--unique. I do think the instruments were well-performed, your vocal was too, and you have a broadcast quality recording. The track definitely creates a mood. Just didn't sound like country at all. I think your best chances with licensing would be for unique sound tracks. I can't sing a song and make it sound country either. Very few people even industry pros have the ability to imagine a different genre arrangement of a song from what is recorded, and if they can, they probably won't bother. That has been my experience anyway.

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

No offence taken. Remember some people don't like the Beatles! Everything is one persons opinion. I find it interesting receiving critiques on my songs. Thanks for your efforts. Joe

Brian McNulty
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

Joe, thank you for the kind review of Country Alright.

1 Replies
Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

No problem Brian, credit where it's due. Joe

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Julia Schmidt

Hi Julia again! Thanks once again for a glowing review of my song Can You Hear Me, it makes the process so worthwhile when somebody likes what you are doing. Keep writing! Joe

1 Replies
Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Anytime!!! Keep it up:)... Blessings... Julia

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

I like what you said in your bio, Joe. mrs kate

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago to Joe Stewart

Hi there Joe. Thank you for reviewing I'll Take a Step instrumental. You were very kind. Here it is with the vocals, I bet you'll be surprised: 1 Mrs. Kate

1 Replies
Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago

Hi Kate,

Thanks for the reply. I'm at work just now but I will take a listen because it was very catchy and of course when doing reviews we get a bit picky sometimes. I'll be in touch. Joe

Joe Stewart
over 30 days ago to Julia Schmidt

Hi Julia, Listened to your songs and I have to say that I love your voice. Very nice tone and feel, especially on All MY Heart.
Are you new to songwriting because you only have 5 songs on your page? If you are these are very good and promise great things to come. Nice to know you. Joe

2 Replies
Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Thank you so very much.. I am truly touched!! I am new to Broadjam( almost 4 weeks now) and I am so very grateful for the amount of song plays and great reviews in such a short period of time:)... I have been writing songs for over 10 years.. Took a long break to raise my precious 4 kids:)... Probably in the past 7or 8 months have been inspired to write more songs mainly from my own personal experiences.... I have about 8-10 in the works.... Through Broadjam I gotten some interests in collabs... They are interested in having my vocals for one or more of their songs:) so It's exciting for me...I finally will be getting back into musical theatre as well..:) that's me in a nutshell... There's alot more but.... That's enough for now.. I am known for thinking/ saying what's put upon my heart..... Blessings.. Julia

Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

I failed to mention 3 of the songs were written by JohnL. Schick and I recorded all the songs posted in his studio and Red rock recording studio in Pa... He is awesome and is big here on Broadjam( he is famous for his instrumental soundtracks on hundreds of films/ commercials etc:)..

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