Ser criança (Être un enfant)

Story Behind The Song

Songwriter and percussionnist Vovo, who comes from Bahia, Brazil, wrote the song to express the need to remain truthful to our childhood dreams. When told that Joanne Griffith was preparing a CD centered on the theme of childhood, he offered her this beau

Song Description

¨Ser criança¨ means To be a child in Portuguese. It describes the magical aspect of the child's mind, led by a free imagination. It concludes a wish for world peace, based on more people reconnecting with their chidhood spirit.

Song Length 2:22 Genre World - World Beat, World - South American
Tempo Medium (111 - 130) Lead Vocal Duet Male/Female
Mood Cheerful, Engaging Subject Baby, Children, Love for Child
Language Multi-Language Era 2000 and later


SER CRIANÇA (Être un enfant)

Être un enfant (To be a child)
c'est la somme de toutes les couleurs (is to put all the colors together)
c'est l'éclosion de roses (it's the blooming of roses)
au milieu de champs de fleurs (in the middle of a field of flowers)
comme il est beau le rêve (how beautiful it is to dream)
d'être encore un enfant... (about being a child once again)

Dans un monde tout imaginaire
un cirque ordinaire
en un cercle sans fin
Et les rondes et les contes de fées
y tournent aussi
et peut-être le prince

Réveille-toi, Belle au Bois endormie
car l'humanité est en lutte toujours
sans raison et sans compréhension
détruisant la beauté qui fleurit

Mais pour vrai, ce serait tellement beau
que tous ceux qui reviennent
au monde imaginaire
et à l'enfant de leurs rêves
puissent enfin vivre en paix sur Terre

Ser criança
é a soma de todas as cores
é o brotar dessas rosas nos campos em flores
Como é lindo sonhar ser criança também
No mundo imaginativo
que é o propio circo em circulo tambem
as cirandas e os contos de fadas
fazem parte dela e o principe tal vez

Acorde a Bela Adormecida
por que a humanidade 'ta sempre a lutar
sem razao e sem compreensao
destruiendo essas flores que ha

Na verdade seria bem justo
se todos pudessem a esse mundo voltar
Sem criança outra vez
e a paz no mundo reinhar...

Lyrics Orlando Macedo Coceiçao (Vovo) Music Orlando Macedo Coceiçao (Vovo)
Producer Joanne Griffith/Jean-François Garneau Publisher Yôyê (SODRAC)
Performance Joanne Griffith Label Self-published
This track is on 1 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
CV BOYS band My Top Songs 9/10/2007

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