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Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Penny Lea-Buzz Smith


Chet Nichols
over 30 days ago to Penny Lea-Buzz Smith

Hey Penny, Long time no talk to. I hope you are doing well. I dropped off of Broadjam because of health issues and other stuff. I had to have both my knees replaced. The by-product of my years as a high school and college athlete. Had them doen within 3 months of each other. What a journey. Then, in January of 2019, a virus attached my vocal chords and paralyzed them. It has taken up till the past 4 weeks before I could sing again. I was afraid I would never sing again. BUt, I just started singing, again, about 4 weeks ago and started to try to finish a song I wrote back at Christmas of 2018..... Anyway, I hope you are well and safe.... God Speed....Chet

Beautiful song and playing***

hey penny...i know we were going to work on a song together but i never got the music...this year has been a doozie...but thankfully it is coming to an end...if you still have some simple arrangements for me to add lyrics...that'd be great

Imar Shephard
over 30 days ago to Penny Lea-Buzz Smith

You're very talented Penny

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Susan Odella

Susan; you write beautiful music & cool lyrics!
penny lea

6 Replies
Susan Odella
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much, Penny Lea!!

Susan Odella
over 30 days ago

Thanks, also, for the endorsement, Penny :)

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago

you are so welcome!!!

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago

Susan : I had a handicapped godchild. She just died Sweet Scarlett' I'm now writing` the music and thought I would check with you to see if you ever write lyrics for someone else's music.
If you don't, I understand perfectly.Thanks a bunch-APPRECIATE
penny lea

Susan Odella
over 30 days ago

Penny - Yes, I have written lyrics. I've collaborated with Peter/Gladstone, Frank Falgares, Leon Hood, and a local guy. Lyrics would be so personal in your situation. I am always willing to give it a try with the understanding that I may not hit it exactly. Susan

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago

Susan;I don't know how to say, other than, I am so
thankful. appreciate penny You'll hit it, you're awesome

Thierry Coupey
over 30 days ago to TSW The Song Writers

My head... what an original song TSW! Totally love the vocals. And the breaking change of style at the end is so cool!

5 Replies
TSW The Song Writers
over 30 days ago

Thanx brother - We don't even know how we do iT - It's scary sometimes to think of all the songs we've created - GOD is driving the car, Lol......(-;Peace & Love TSW;-)

Thierry Coupey
over 30 days ago

It is scary yes :-)

Thierry Coupey
over 30 days ago

It is scary. Tell him he's gonna soon get a ticket.

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago

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TSW The Song Writers
over 30 days ago

Funny guY - little slow and late with is crazy at the moment while the weather is awesomE,
Thanx Thierry

Dear Penny Lea, just heard your Killer Composition, "Temptation", so incredibly subtle and Jazzy cool!! Love it, Love it, Love it!! We have a tune on this chart at # 7 with "Mama Della", if you get a chance have a listen!! Also, who plays the Trumpet on your song, we are interested in possibly hiring him for an internet session.
Gave you 5 Stars and a Huge Like........
M & A Corey

3 Replies
Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago

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Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago

Buzzy 281-879-4484; in case
ya'll have not talked, just old age......penny

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Dear Penny, we do not know who Buzzy Smith is? Can you enlighten us?
Marg & Art Corey
Oh, we went on the internet, is he a Bass Player and drummer?? Is that the correct Buzzy Smith???

Thank you for how you are helping to create a better world! LL

2 Replies
Jan Garrett & JD Martin
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much!

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago

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Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Susan Witzel

Thank you so much for taking the time out to listen to my music!

Penny Lea

sounds good!!

penny i still wanted to try to work on some things. lets talk this week.

1 Replies
Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago

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Jodylynn - congrats on your co-writers Good luck in your placements!!!penny lea

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Imar Shephard


Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Susan Odella

Beautiful Hang On such A. You have a great way to bond with piano. penny lea

1 Replies
Susan Odella
over 30 days ago

Thanks so much, Penny! I've played it since I was a child but have never mastered it--not enough patience to practice. I appreciate it as my composing tool though. Nice of you to comment! Susan

"Ever Since the rainbow'great Rock!!!penny lea

1 Replies
Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much Penny!!!!



Susan Odella
over 30 days ago to Penny Lea-Buzz Smith

Hi Penny - Thanks for the playlist add of "Winter Black" - I appreciate that! Susan

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Jim Pfeifer

Thank you so much for the 5 stars for Imagination and Lunar Eclipse. Most appreciated. I've got some new songs coming within the next 2 weeks. Thanks again.


Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Adam Avery

from the heart. touching easy to very true

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Adam Avery

cool song

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Adam Avery

I Love "Because You Came'

Beautiful Piece.

1 Replies
Keenan Baxter
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the 5 star rating on my song Spirit U all

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Douglas Amell

Great! Really good music. You write wonderful music.

Penny Lea

1 Replies
Douglas Amell
over 30 days ago

Thank you so much Penny for the kind compliment :-)

Fossils and Stars is a great song. You should get a contract in my opinion. Keep on writing what you're writing

Penny Lea

1 Replies
FilmScore Music
over 30 days ago

Thank you Penny Lea! It's been a pleasure discovering your music, I enjoy listening them and encourage you to continue as well..

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Anelda3251210

Anelda, do you work with BJ artists i am a smootH JAZZ writer. Check out our song list & hear what we have. Our LYRICIST was killed in a car wreck

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Anelda3251210

Anelda, do you work with BJ artists i am a smootH JAZZ writer. Check out our song list & hear what we have. Our LYRICIST was killed in a car wreck

Penny Lea-Buzz Smith
over 30 days ago to Gail Galea

Nice song - in my Soul great music!!

2 Replies
Gail Galea
over 30 days ago

Thanks Penny! I appreciate you taking the time to listen :)

over 30 days ago

Many Thanks for ebjoying our Song and for telling us, Cheers, Moscato.

Gail Galea
over 30 days ago to Penny Lea-Buzz Smith

Hi Penny. Thanks for your endorsement! It's much appreciated. You have some great music, and I look forward to hearing some more.
best wishes, Gail

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