Marilyn Oakley

Marilyn Oakley

Only Skin Deep

Song Length 3:09 Genre Pop - General
Lead Vocal Female Vocal Language English
Era 2000 and later


When the eye can't get past the made up
all the glitter and all the makeup
New York, LA, anywhere on a busy street
All anybody wants to look at is the pretty young thing, but

Love is only skin deep
when the outside is all you see
Are you afraid to find something more
if you dig down deep into the core
When the outside is all you see
love is only skin deep

Don't let the beauty inside get shattered
Push it out, show the world what matters
Don't let the world define what's inside you
Don't ever let them tear you down and hide you 'cause


A surface made of paint
will always fade
but a beautiful heart
will stay the same


© Marilyn Oakley/Carlene McDearis Wentworth

Top marks all round , great track !

Lyrics Marilyn Oakley Music Carlene McDearis Wentworth (melody)
Performance TJ Carter (vocals)
This track is on 4 Member Playlists
Playlist Creator Playlist Name Date Added
Cyndi Corkran Awsome vocals 9/25/2021
Cyndi Corkran Best pop 9/25/2021
Cyndi Corkran M Oakley 9/25/2021
Cyndi Corkran Beautiful harmonies 9/25/2021

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