Sandi Milne is an artist who has been singing and songwriting for ,oh gosh, quite a while now. As a back up singer she worked with some of the "best" rock bands working in LA; as part of the duo "Angry Janice" she toured all around the southwest; and her solo career as a singer/songwriter began when she got angy at Janice, toured New England, played clubs in LA, and organized fund raising concerts. All of this culminating in this Refling produced EP.
She is wise enough to understand the world we live in and not afraid to speak about it with conviction and artistry. Her haunting yet upbeat melodies delivers a one-two punch of sentiment and sarcasm, and her no-nonsence style makes her accessable to any generation.
She is a commited childrens' activist who works with all kinds of kid's. A classicaly trained pianist and rock trained accustic guitarist, she keeps her musical influence's open, while not losing her own voice.
Once you hear one, your gonna want to hear another.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

Artist Name
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