doug momary

doug momary


Previous Comments

Doug Momary here...a songwriter from Broadjam. Thanks for the endorsement!

1 Replies

Without a doubt Doug!
LC Team

Thanks for the 5 star rating... just posted that instrumental yesterday.

Thanks for the rating... just posted this song yesterday... didn't know anyone was listening...appreciate it!

Mark S. Ludes (MSL)
over 30 days ago to doug momary

Nice songs Doug! Wanted to ask who was the male vocalist on 'Without your love'? Great voice!

1 Replies
doug momary
over 30 days ago

Thanks... he's a guy from Studio Pros in LA but I don't think he's there anymore.

over 30 days ago to doug momary

I love your music, it's so deep and positive!

1 Replies
doug momary
over 30 days ago

Thanks... it means so much that you took the time to listen!

over 30 days ago to doug momary

Great sounds!! Love the style.

1 Replies
doug momary
over 30 days ago

Thanks... I try to be true to the words and music. Glad you listened and liked the tunes.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to doug momary

Wonderful tune you have written!!! Our sister-in-law recently passed away two weeks ago and my wife and I wrote a song for her to play at her memorial. I love the sentiment in your fine tune!! If you can, please feel free to visit our BraodJam site (Marg & Art Corey) and give our song, "Sharon's Song" a quick listen. Love to hear your thoughts on our song!! Again, GREAT JOB!! And wonderful video!!!

2 Replies
doug momary
over 30 days ago

Sorry for the late reply...but thanks for your comments. It means so much when a song can make a real connection with someone. That song is the story of my wife's mom who suffered from Alzheimer's for 14 years. BTW - love your song! Take care and God bless.

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago

Doug, Great To hear from you sir, sorry about your wife's Mom & her Alzheimer's illness!
Stay Safe...............
The Corey's.........................

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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