Hi! I'm a singer-songwriter and producer based in Oceanside, CA. I recently quit my job as CEO of a nonprofit to follow my passion of creating music. I grew up playing the drums, learned guitar and bass in my teens, and have been writing songs most of my life. I generally write inspirational, hopeful music, but mostly it is focused around my events and things swirling around my head. I hope you enjoy what you hear!


This Artist has 1 Album


Nan Michaels
over 30 days ago to Melissa Moss

Every one of your songs gets better as I go down the list! Alchemy is just so beautiful. Kudos.
- Nan

Nan Michaels
over 30 days ago to Melissa Moss

Beyond is such a great song. I like how you bend time with the guitar and the BG fox. Very cool!
- Nan

1 Replies
Melissa Moss
over 30 days ago

Thank you for saying that! I have a special place in my heart for that song, but it doesn't seem to get as much attention.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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