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CW Anderson
over 30 days ago to CW Anderson

Well, you were right. I got a song selected by a publisher/licenser. The first song I had picked up was by a license company. Keep up the good work!

10 Replies
Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Congrats! You write great songs so I'm not surprised...
Interestingly, I among others, I had the instrumental version of one of my songs, I'll Sing Anyway, selected for a licensing opportunity just recently... car commercial in England... gotta love Broadjam... thanks for the message CW

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago

Hey Steven, I did notice you got that placement, congrats! I don't know where this all goes? I am about 4 months into Broadjam and not doing any other platform. CWA

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Yeah I've had 5 or 6 songs selected, but now it's just a waiting game as you know... We just keep plugging away I guess... I think Broadjam is as good a platform as any...

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago

Yeah, I've been wondering if this is the right platform it is the only one I'm on. I'm just not sure what these Licensing people really do and whether they just stick our songs in a catalog and don't really pitch them? Well this is the music biz for songwriters...

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

You may be right... I've known one of these guys who has been pitching for decades... I'm gonna get the low down from him and I'll let you know...

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago

Great, thanks!

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago

Hey Steven,
I just got some feedback on a couple of songs I pitched and noticed you had one song on one o them that was up for final consideration; mine did not make that cut, and you know the final outcme of yours too by now. Just some notes re understandin this current system. I go back to Nashville back in the day. I use to cut demos and walk up and down publishers row and knock on doors. It was very direct and simple in those days. Then I went on to full time long form witing for publications and book publishers. Now, I've come fulll circle to songs but everything has changed. It looks like there are more opportunities but that seems to be an illusion. I see this new process as having more intermediate filters and they don't tell you what they are actually doing. There are no updates or accounting of what they've done after you get the contract. I am sure you've also run into all of this....just comparing notes.

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

You're absolutely right! Thats why I want to talk to the guy I know and my friend and mentor who has been in the industry for 30+ years who introduced me to him... I should get some good info and I'll share it with you... thanks much for your thoughts too

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago

Okay, we're on the same page.

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago

I've been on here long enough to what this is all about and who is on Broadjam and who isn't. Good for songwriters to test their material out on other songwriters. But that only goes so far. You gotta get to the public venues, the real listeners and buyers. I am not at all thrilled with the licensing companies, they're all fringe players. I've had one bad experience with them. I am pretty much done posting any more songs. Good Luck!

Thanks again guys... I'm on a flight to LA, but wanted to let you know again how much I appreciate your support!!! With my new startup in progress and several other life changing things going on I'm trying hard to make time to listen to my Broadjam friends music, but that's gonna have to wait a bit until things settle down for me... in the meantime... Much love and appreciation to you for acknowledging my songs!!!

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

Much love Steven, and great luck with your startup!
LC Team

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to Raesoulman

Thanks again Raymond!!!
Can't wait until I have more time time to check out more of your songs!!!

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to Raesoulman


Thanks so much for the 5 Stars for Mouse in the Corner!!! Much appreciated!!!

I've got a run this morning, but I stopped and listened to several of your songs and so far I love the ones I heard... And so good in every genre!!!

Thanks again!!!

1 Replies
over 30 days ago

Hi, Steven.

Good to hear from you and thanks for visiting my page...:-)


Hey Guys... Love to hear that you guys are doing so well and having such a tremendously "busy year"... Much deserved for all your constant hard work and for being so generous with your time listening to EVERYONE else music too!!!! Don't know how you do it...
Anyway, I just wanted to send you a very big thank you for the 5 Star ratings and the endorsements... MUCH APPRECIATED!!! As I have the time, I will definitely listen to more of your songs... Love what I've heard so far and hit the 5th Star several times...
Best to you all and here's to you're continued, much deserved success!!!

1 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

Well thanks Steven, You are the best!
LC Team

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to Bob Juch

Thanks for the 5 stars Bob!
And congrats on all the recognition in the licensing opportunities... well deserved...

And It's rare when I am captivated by every second of a 6+ min song, but Echoes of Us is fabulous beginning to end to music to lyrics... great song!

1 Replies
Bob Juch
over 30 days ago

Thanks! I wrote that by request for a performance.

Bernie Sims
over 30 days ago to Steven Arkley

"A Mouse..." is just outstanding! The song is so strong all by itself, the production really shines without getting in the way. Did you produce this too Steven? Great song!

4 Replies
Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago


Thanks so much... I really appreciate the kind words...

Yeah, I'm pretty proud of Mouse...

I am always up for a collaboration, but for the most part, I work with an engineer in Nashville and we collaborate on the music and the production.
After I write the lyrics, Michael creates the music at my direction, hires the singers and records my songs for me... Soooo much fun!!!

I have been crazy busy with a lot of different things and I will get to your Broadjam page and have a listen as soon as I get some time to relax and take your stuff in!!!

Thanks again for the comments and for reaching out... Can't wait to hear your music...


Bernie Sims
over 30 days ago

Thanks Steven. Again, just excellent work but, yeah, I can tell you're having a blast while making great music. I just finished a 5 song EP with a producer/engineer down in Orange County, and man, that is a high!! Take care.

Bernie Sims
over 30 days ago

Thanks Steve for the nice Star action for My Gravity!! It's funny how a compliment coming from such a competent songwriter feels so special!

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Thank you for the kind words Bernie!!! And back at you, I love your music!!!
You've made my year too!!! Great joy generated from your sweet words!!!

allison bolton
over 30 days ago to Steven Arkley

thank you for the stars appreciated

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to allison bolton

Allison, thanks so much for the five stars on Mouse in the Corner... I had a lot of fun writing that one...
I'm running like crazy this morning, but I listened briefly to some of your songs and love your work and beautiful voice...

Thanks again!!

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago to Steven Arkley

Hey Steven, I forget to answer your question. Yes, I'd be up for collaborating. What do you in mind?

1 Replies
Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Please resend your email... I got an "Address not found" notice and the email I sent to you was not deleivered

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago to Steven Arkley

Hey Steven: I am listening to a few of your songs. You've got that gritty country voice without the southern accent. Also, I like the story telling the lyrics feel authentic. I just signed up today and posted one song. Haven't even had the time to finish my profile. I'm strictly a songwriter/producer not a singer and do live in Vegas. I do a lot of country but pop and other genres as well. My best, Craig

1 Replies
Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

CW... I finally heard back from my friend pitching my songs... his response is not exactly what I've been hoping for, but it's better than nothing and I know it's honest coming from Frank who pitches songs all the time!
Here's his reply...

" I send the music to the companies that I work with and they use the music (or not) as they see fit.

Close to Love" looks like it is getting good airplay with one of my connections.

The payments are a month about seven months past the end of the quarter in which they play."

And he followed up with...

" I send all of your music to my clients. The final decision isn't mine but I do have the ear of these clients that I work with."

I'm assuming that these guys all work differently, but some extent pitch songs intently regardless of the way they do it... At least we get a taste of the process...


Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to CW Anderson

Love everything about Outlaw Tango CW!!! And thanks for reaching out with the friend request...
You up for collaborating? I write lyrics and work with my buddy in Nashville, but I'm always looking for new songwriters to work with... Let me know...

6 Replies
CW Anderson
over 30 days ago

Thanks. I just wrote you after listening to some of your songs. I am new today on here and in the beginning of a launch. I'll explain later. Thanks for taking the time to listen to my work and comment!

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago

Hi Steven: Thanks for that great review and let me know if you have any projects that you want to collaborate on. -CW A

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Craig... So if I send you something to work on, would you like just lyric sheet or a basic track demo that I used to create the melody for the lyrics?

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago

Steven: Send a lyric sheet first. What genre?

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Contemporary Country or maybe even progressive folk...
What's your email address so I can send you a lyric sheet?

CW Anderson
over 30 days ago

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to Bob Juch

Hey Bob... Big time congrats on getting your song chosen!!

1 Replies
Bob Juch
over 30 days ago

Thank you!

Thank you much for the 5 Star rating on For One Live!!! Much appreciated!!

2 Replies
Lyfe Concierge Publishing
over 30 days ago

Great stuff Steven, Thanks for sharing your art!
LC Team

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

I've been crazy busy but I'll be sure to make it to your profile and check out your music too!!! I'm sure 5 stars will be in plentiful!!!

Steven...I am soooo humbled! Thank you so kindly for the five of my songs you gave a 5-Star Rating! That really means a lot to me, and the time you spent reviewing and giving me such gracious support on my works! So glad you liked them. I went onto your song page as well, and I tell you...I LOVE "For One Love" and "The Way To You and Me"....5-Stars for both my friend! I am fond of "My Mama's Way" as well. Good Stuff!! Happy for your selection on One deserve it! Vicki

1 Replies
Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

My pleasure... I literally fell in love with Love Me... Such a good song... I just haven't had time to listen to the rest of your songs on Broadjam... there's probably many more gems that I haven't heard yet!!

My Mama's Way was actually selected a few years ago in ongoing needs for Miranda Lambert and Mellisa Etheridge, but no call back yet... and it's been on and off the top 10 lists on Broad jam for years... so glad you like it!

I've got another song, lyrics only, called Closer to Laughter... I couldn't get the musician who wrote the instrumental to give up the rights or collaborate... Very simple acoustic guitar based ballad...
Would you have time to consider a collaboration on this? Obviously, I'd have to send you the lyrics before giving me an answer, but let me know if you'd like to read the lyrics and I'll get them to you...


Son Roberts
over 30 days ago to Steven Arkley

Congrats on getting "For One Love" selected! Simple, stripped down vibe with powerful, even desperate declaration. Not looking to intrude on any trade secrets, but I'm curious about your process and this line in one of your replies: You will "send Michael 3 more songs to produce for me." My method in Toronto is to cobble together a demo with my vocal, some harp where it works, and a click or drum track to set the groove. Then I gather some musicians I trust and work out the song in a rehearsal before I commit to studio time. How do you folks get it done? BTW - "For One Love's" sound and production values are first class. Looking forward to your reply. One more thing, what's your handicap?

2 Replies
Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Thanks for the sweet words about the song!! Much appreciated!!!
I write the lyrics for all my songs... I use different artists for the music... I've collaborated on a few songs with the guy that wrote the music to For One Love... Oddly enough this is the only blues song I've ever written and recorded... I'm working on a few more currently, and hope to get them recorded within a month or so... I'm actually all over the map... contemporary country, country rock, country pop, pop, rock and even a little RandB, etc... All the way to quirky like Mouse in the Corner if you've listened to any of my other tracks on Broadjam... I'm always looking for new artists to collaborate with!!
Anyway, I create a Rough Demo/melody in my studio at home then send the MP3 to my engineer/producer in Nashville... I also send him the WAV file for the music, he schedules a singer then records, mixes and masters the song... He will add instruments if we decide it needs a guitar solo or strings for example... I also work with Michael to write original tracks for my songs like Bottle in a Message and I'll Sing Anyway...

So thanks again and I'll have a listen to your stuff as soon as I get a chance!!

Son Roberts
over 30 days ago

Thanks Steven... appreciate the candor and insights.

Hey Steven!
I am back....the strikes are over, so email me if you want to Co-Write.. I have some lyrics for you....I hope you have a great Christmas and a very Happy New Year....Vicki J

2 Replies
Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Hi Vicki...
So glad the strike is over for everyone involved!!
I've written several new songs since the strike started and, since I had no idea when it was going to be over, I have been working with my producer in Nashville to get them recorded...
However, I'd still love to collaborate with you!

I have moved to Santa Rosa, CA from Vegas and I'm thrilled to be here, but I'm crazy busy for the next 2 weeks trying to get settled... including building a barn for work and a small man cave that will include a small studio...

I'd love to read some of your lyrics and I'll you some of mine if you'd like to get going on collaborating... I'll make the time at night to read and offer thoughts!!!

Thanks for getting back to me and, again, congrats to all on getting through the strike...

Lastly, any thoughts on pitching For One Love as it is or do you think it needs some work to get it ready to get out there?

Hey Steven,

I am happy to hear you have been in production and getting material recorded with your producer in Nashville! No rush on my end, as I completely understand your move to CA, as I just wanted to tell you I am back in production mode myself. You get settled in and we can look into the new year to try to collaborate if you like. I have been to Santa Rosa, and I wish you much happiness in your home!

As for your lyrics "One Love," are those the same as "Forever Now?" Those would absolutely make a wonderful storyline to a song! It flowed in content and has substance. Get that out there!

Have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year Steven! Vicki

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to Bob Juch

Hey Bob, Just wanted to let you know I appreciate the 5 Star rating for My Mama's Way...
I only had enough time to listen to all your songs, but loved Queen of the Broken Hearts so far...
Keep up the great writing and thanks again...

I see you liked a couple of Ed Bentley's songs too. He's a great guy and write amazing stuff!!!

Best to you,


1 Replies
Bob Juch
over 30 days ago

Yes, you both are.

Hey Steve- Hope you are well...Looks to me like you moved? We should chat sometime and catch up my friend..
All the best,

7 Replies
Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Great hear from you Ed!
I'm on the road right now, but I'll get back to you in a few hours...


The Ed Bentley Project
over 30 days ago

Sounds great

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Hey Ed...
Sorry but I ran pout of time yesterday. I'm in Santa Rosa, CA. confirming final details for my move here later this year.
I had been taking care of my mom for the last 13 years, but she died last August so I moved from Santa Cruz area to Vegas to get my life back and just paly golf all the time... when I wasn't writing lyrics!!!

Vegas is not my ideal place to live! Golf is great but that's not enough to keep me there.

A friend of mine that I've known since high school has 2 acres in Santa Rosa and made me an amazing offer to move here, design and build her a 22' diameter gazebo and 44'x60' barn with a 1200 SF living unit inside the barn... She has an endless list of remodel projects too and she wants me to help her with all those too... Bottom line, I've agreed to all her conditions and they property is amazing so I'll be moving here before December of this year...

It's gonna be great for this old cowboy!!!

I'm still writing and I'm about ready to send Michael 3 more songs to produce for me!!!

I was also contacted by a woman whose been in the biz for over 40 years I believe and she loves my lyrics and especially my song For One Love... She wants permission to pitch my stuff and shes got a team for that and a team to write and record anything I may want to do... She's stuck with the strike going on, but as soon as that's over, we'll get at it... Her name is Vicki Johnson at quite the resume!!!

All in all I'm doing OK and feeling better all the time... Once I get out of Vegas, I'll really get inspired to get back to work and writing again in a really positive environment...

Hope you're doing great and I know you're still writing great music cause I try and listen every time you post a new song!!!

Thanks again for reaching out... Always a joy to hear from you...


The Ed Bentley Project
over 30 days ago

So sorry to of your mom's passing... But so glad everything else is going well for you..
I really like the song you have on Country/Americana top 10 chart, something about Mama's Way.. Great demo also!

Nice to hear of the lady taking an interest in your songs also!

So, your going to be back in California? Great!
We'll have to stay at bit more in touch my friend...
All the best to you my friend..

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Where exactly do you live?
Even though I've got a ton of stuff going on, I'm also thinking of traveling a bit and I'd love to meet you at some point!!
I definitely want to get to Nashville to visit Michael and maybe sit in on a recording session for one of my songs...

Thanks for the sweet words about My Mama's Way!!

The Ed Bentley Project
over 30 days ago

Hey Steve
I live with n Buffalo NY...A long way from California!
Hey, who is Mike in Nashville you are talking about?
You've got me curious now...

Talk to you soon...

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Michael Salacuse...
He has recorded all of my songs for me...
I come up with lyrics, rough demos and melodies then he hires singers, writes the music if necessary and records the songs...
Andrea Standley introduced me to Michael 10 years ago...

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to Steven Arkley

Hey gang... Please check out my latest... Bottle in a Message...

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to Steven Arkley

New version of Mouse... A few melody changes... A few new words... Hope you all love it!!

Welcome to Broadjam Ashley! You'll have a fun time on here! Thanks for the kind words on "If I didn't have You!" catnip=+=

2 Replies
Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Ashley, Thanks so much for the great rating for My Momma's Way...
You did a fabulous job on Black Heated Cowboy too!!!
Can't wait to hear more!!

Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago

Thanks Steve! Really, all thanks to you for inspiring me :). Talk soon!

Ashley Martin
over 30 days ago to Steven Arkley

Hi Steve!

over 30 days ago to Steven Arkley

Outstanding song and message

Steve Purcell
over 30 days ago to Steven Arkley

I'm new here.,
any info., or suggestions on how to get the most out of this web-site would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks very much.

2 Replies
Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago

Hey Steve...

Welcome to Broadjam...

Persistence is my advice...

Make as many connections as you can...

Submit to licensing opportunities, but be very specific when matching your song to the opportunity...

Review other artists songs as much as possible...

Send out notifications to all your connections when you post new songs...

You'll get the hang of it quick...

Best of luck...


Steve Purcell
over 30 days ago

Hey Steve... Great info... Thanks so much...


Hope you are doing well!!
Just wanted to let you know I posted a new song today... Always love your input...
My best to you...

3 Replies
The Ed Bentley Project
over 30 days ago

will check it out tomorrow Steve, running out now.. Look forward to hearing it!

The Ed Bentley Project
over 30 days ago

Nice Steve... Well done.. I can only guess, Michael, playing the nylon string guitar? Also, who is the singer? Heavy material, nice work!! Ed

The Ed Bentley Project
over 30 days ago

Hi Steve..Thanks so much for the 5 star rating.. Hope you are well..

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to zipduda

Thanks so much for downloading some of my songs...

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to Diana Rasmussen

Diana... Thanks so much for the 5 Star rating and for putting I'll Sing Anyway on your playlist... Much appreciated... As soon as I get a minute I'll have a listen to your songs...

1 Replies
Diana Rasmussen
over 30 days ago

My Pleasure, nice to "meet" you!

Steven Arkley
over 30 days ago to Julia Schmidt

Big Congrats on the Gift being selected Julia!!!

1 Replies
Julia Schmidt
over 30 days ago

Thanks Steven!! Donovan and Adam get the writing credit:)) but I am happy to be a part of it vocally and helped in getting it to that point:)!!!!

Thanks for taking the time to get in touch today ED...
Feel Like Stone is amazing... I was singing along after the first line... Instant connection the music... Instant connection lyrically... I got it immediately and the visuals throughout the song set the scene perfectly.. and, as you said, Lusk nailed it!!! Great job Ed!!!

AND... As soon as I wipe the tears from my keyboard and find a few more rating stars past 5 to click on, I'll write more about This Ain't No Big Deal... WOW... Just thank you for this song...

1 Replies
The Ed Bentley Project
over 30 days ago

Wow, Steve, appreciate that coming from you.. I will work on the new song over the next few days.. So nice chatting with you..

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