
Previous Comments

Product X,
You have listened to and reviewed some of my music in the past. I have recently added an album to BJ. When you have the time, please have a listen.
Thanks, Norb Studelska

Product X,
You have listened to and reviewed some of my music in the past. I have recently added an album to BJ. When you have the time, please have a listen.
Thanks, Norb Studelska

Produca X,
Thanks for taking the time for, and your generous review of I Just Can't Seem to Keep My Feet From Walkin' (yah, kind-of-a cumbersome title). You are right about the voice; I couldn't do the "raspy, gritty" voice, and couldn't find a voice with that quality. I intend to listen to your songs.
Thanks again,
Norb/Upper Air Disturbance

1 Replies
Produca X
over 30 days ago

Anytime. It's really a great track. I mentioned before it inspired me to write a song " Ever Since We Met". I will upload soon. Thanks

Produca X
over 30 days ago to Ionut Mirel Udrea

I appreciated the 5 star ratings. You are talented my friend. keep up the good work!

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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