
Previous Comments

over 30 days ago to David Louis Brown

I quite like the expression and phrases.

1 Replies
David Louis Brown
over 30 days ago

Thanks Mark.
However I have no idea to what you are referring. Please let me know which composition and/or song so inspired you.

David Louis Brown
over 30 days ago to Kate Carpenter

Hi Kate.

Thank you for the encouraging review that you gave my Big Cat Kingdom.

I am so disturbed by the alarming rate at which we are destroying the natural habitat of so many animals that I feel compelled to write music, poetry and songs by which I hope to alert people to what we are doing to the environment.

Perhaps you would like to listen to my Elephant Empire, Woodlanders, Panda Waltz, The Seagull and Green Powered World as further examples of my Nature tone poems?

By the way I do a little more than write musical and literal works on environmental issues.
I have adopted a tigres called Kamrita - to whose kind Big Cat Kingdom is dedicated- and an elephant called Kiruba - to whose kind Elephant Empire is dedicated.

I listened to some of your children's songs. Great stuff and very entertaining!
I think that you are a gifted songwriter - a blessing to Planet Earth, who deserves to go far.
Please accept me as one of your fans and keep writing your delightful songs, which are bound to raise the spirits of adults as well as children.

Best wishes to you and yours from David Louis Brown.

1 Replies
Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Hey thanks for sharing David. I hope I will have the opportunity to listen to more of your environmental creative works. Your songwriting friend in FL, Mrs. Kate

Alex Houston
over 30 days ago to David Louis Brown

Hi David,

As promised I finally got round to listening to your classical and jazz music - very powerful stuff indeed. It seems that "It Only Happens In The Movies" is not typical of your usual compositions. I am not sure that I have the ability to produce what you do, although I might give it a go. I have a Yamaha digital piano which MIDIs into Cubase 5 with Halion Symphony Orchestra, so I believe that I have the equipment. What software do you use to create your classical works?

Have a good Christmas and all the best with your music.


2 Replies
David Louis Brown
over 30 days ago

Hello Alex.

Sorry for the delay in responding, but things came about which just had to be sorted before the new year began.

Thank you for listening to other examples of my music and for your encouraging comment "very powerful stuff". Yes I try my best, but am still anxiously awaiting some positive results.

Having said that however, just before Christmas, I received the welcome news that my Big Cat Kingdom had made the Top 5 Finals in the 2011 Song of the Year Contest - so there appears to be a light at the end of the tunnel.

Sounds as though you have some good basic equipment, so I hope to hear some good orchestral work from you. I use a digital piano, Sibelius and the Garritan Personal Orchestra, which does have a few compatibility problems with Sibelius - which, although annoying, I somehow manage to get around.

I wish you and yours a good, productive 2012, during which I will be eagerly listening out for your orchestral endeavours.

I wish you success with your music and any other creativity.
The main thing is NEVER GIVE UP!


Alex Houston
over 30 days ago

Hi David,

My turn for a delayed response and I apologize. Well done on making the finals of the 2011 Song of the Year contest and good luck in the final. At present I am trying to improve my music and songwriting through feedback sessions on SongU, so I have not been on Broadjam as often; however, I want to come back better than before.

I did try out Sibelius but had problems with the demo version which rather put me off a purchase. I chose Cubase instead, especially as it offered a free trial and ultimate discount on Halion Symphony Orchestra. I think that ultimately my main pitching will be for TV and film but I need to improve the quality of my production. For the time being I just want to make better audio-visual presentations with better music.

I wish you a productive 2012 for your music, starting with the Broadjam final.


David Louis Brown
over 30 days ago to Alex Houston

Thank you for your fair analysis of It Only Happens In The Movies.

I was particularly chuffed by your 4/5 acceptance of my singing. I too have been writing since the sixties, but have not dared to call myself a singer. I decided to have a go with this song because session singers are just too much of a drain on my finances. Normally I write very rangy songs which I know to be out of my league, in which case I have little option but to dig deeply into my pockets - but I may have just managed with this song.

I do not agree with the "too much staccato" comment. I think that it adds a bit of fun and sparkle and breaks the monotony of the amount legato, which this track has. In my opinion, a little more legato in POP could be a good thing - provided that it is appropriate to the song and proportionate to quantity of any legato present. Although I do not agree, I still thank you for bringing it to my attention in such a constructive, polite manner.

I am a self taught orchestrator, who is getting more involved with orchestral classical music - so any constructive criticism is most welcome and appreciated.

I have listened to some of your music and cannot help noticing how much synthesised sound you use. I have to say that I prefer real instruments - even if they are sampled. Hence I would suggest that you have a go at writing some orchestral music, perhaps starting with some small chamber combinations? I am pretty sure you can do it Alex and I believe that you would gain much satisfaction therefrom- so why not have a go??

Thanks again Alex and good luck with your music - I mean it!

Best wishes from Dave Brown.

2 Replies
Alex Houston
over 30 days ago

Hi David,

Many thanks for these very interesting comments. Although your song may not have been the most commercial track I listened to yesterday, it was certainly the most interesting and original. I agree with you that the staccato effect added to the atmosphere of the song but just felt that it was a little overdone. It would be a boring world if we all agreed on everything. Your singing is much better than mine, although like you, I might have to give it a go. I did win a karaoke competition once but heaven knows how!

I am interested in your comments on orchestration and will listen to more of your tracks in the week ahead. I have actually had a bash ay writing orchestral music as I usually provide the music to the audio-visuals that my wife and I make - we belong to an AV group which exhibits to the public. You can find some of my orchestral music on my YouTube channel 'ashouston1' (Madeira and the Fjords are examples). I am not particularly happy with them and think that I can do better.

I agree with you on my synthesised sounds and commented on another music site that I hide behind my DAW. My daughter, who lives in London, is better at electronic music than I am and wrote "Last Goodbye" which I have put on Broadjam with her permission.

As I said, I will listen to more of your music over the holiday period and get back to you.

Best wishes, Alex

over 30 days ago

Hi Alex - thank you for your review.

David D. Mason
over 30 days ago to David Louis Brown

Hi David, many thanks for your review of ''A Song for Beth'' your words of encouragement are appreciated. Having played music all my life for other people I am now retired and write what ever I like when ever I like for me and It's great fun. You are the first British composer I have come across on Broadjam and I wish you all the luck and success with your music.
Dave Mason

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