I respect the power of words, but music not only can amplify words, but can communicate without them.
There are stories to tell that can only be told through vibrations that reach deep within us.
I remember music as far back as I can remember anything. There was always music in the house. My sister told me that my first instrument was beating on pots and pans. But soon after I climbed up on the piano bench and started the journey.
My music is a form of outsider art that can be used indoors. There are jangly and unusual elements at times. I like a pinch of that.
I believe in my music and think that it's well suited to marry with images.
I hope that after listening to the music that you agree.
Latest News
News to come.
It's about time for some good news
Making noise from the 1950's to present.
And planning to keep on course for that.
Listen and enjoy!