Subatomic...a powerful, jam-oriented power-trio with thunderous, funky bass grooves...driving, tasty drumming...heavy, riff-laden guitar...and solid, insightful vocals.

To say the influences are all over the map would be an understatement: blues, metal, classic riff/jam rock, and even acid-groove-jazz. While influences and song styles may vary greatly, making the music hard to label, there are a few things that remain constant - the sound is huge, the music is powerful and honest, and whether or not you have a shred of rhythm, your head will bump and nod with the grooves.


Subatomic...a powerful, jam-oriented power-trio with thunderous, funky bass grooves...driving, tasty drumming...heavy, riff-laden guitar...and solid, insightful vocals.

To say the influences are all over the map would be an understatement: blues, metal, classic riff/jam rock, and even acid-groove-jazz. While influences and song styles may vary greatly, making the music hard to label, there are a few things that remain constant - the sound is huge, the music is powerful and honest, and whether or not you have a shred of rhythm, your head will bump and nod with the grooves.


This Artist has 1 Album


High Tide
over 30 days ago to subatomic.

hey guys youve got some cool stuff on here! pull me under is a pretty great tune. check out our new page with our just released album-- 1 1

subatomic. Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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