Sports born and raised in brooklyn never thought his passion for music was so strong till he his mom passed away at 6 years old. Never picking up a mic till his early teens and growing up on jay Z and Biggie records and older artist like Big l, big daddy kane and kars1 from his older cousins he started his own righting and recording music for various friends of his. his club swaggy street slang and melodic voice and witty sarcastic remarks lead him to a mix tape feature on dj fades fulltime jack move 1,2, and 4 3000 and more units in New york, philly, washington dc, and various other states sparked an interest of an ex sony rep who scouted him searching for something new. This branched of to him getting a meeting set up with a bmi rep to offer him a deal.
this kid relates to struggle pain single dad trynna provide for his lil son who is the motivation on his raggs to richies. we welcome you to his world, sporst music world


This Artist has 1 Album
Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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