Son of the Soil is a hard pop punk rock band…we’re a 3 piece (Guitar/vocals, Bass and Drums. Before getting into our more serious convictions, since this is about music you may as well know that although recording is a LOT of fun and will always be rewarding, there is NOTHING like playing live. Since we all feel that way, we’ve invested in some of the best equipment which we are proud of. Zafar uses (Gibson, E.S.P guitars, Mesa Boogie Amplification). Greg uses (Tama Star classic drums, Evans heads, and Sabian symbols). Bill uses (Ibanez, Yamaha guitars, Hartke Amplification). This is one of the reasons we produce a wall of sound that does not look like it’s coming from 3 guys! People are generally shocked, most of them pleasantly! With out the passion for music though, the best equipment won’t make you sound good; we’re always working hard to get our sound to the next level, to get our performance better than the last time.


This Artist has 1 Album

Son of the Soil Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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