SILVERLAKE CITY LIMITS features Micah Barnes (and his piano) and Kelly Mantle (and his guitar) performing brand new solo sets the second Sunday of every month. They pull out old tunes, they share new tunes, and they add a few surprising covers and duets for fun. Each month, they share the stage with a special guest star performer. The evening takes place at The Cavern Club Celebrity Theatre (which is inside of Casita Del Campo) in Silverlake. This is a great theatre space managed and directed by Mr. Dan of Dragstrip 66. It's the perfect setting for an evening of unabandoned intimacy and pleasure one-on-one with the songs and stories behind Kelly and Barnes. We encourage you to come be a part of this intimate evening full of music, sensuality, and glamour! Cocktails and cheek-to-cheek kissing upstairs after the show. Get more info at

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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