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Pop - Rock
jakarta, Indonesia
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REVARA is a Indie Band from Jakarta Indonesia, formed in late 2011 due to an accident, consisting of three personnel with the formation Rudye Nugraha Putra (Vocals / Guitar), Vira Razak (vocals), and Radityan Akbar (Drum). In the first single which is entitled "Selamanya", they want to prove to people and music lovers that REVARA can exist and still-productive to the creation of the creation of a more real music with elements of Pop Rock Alternative display but easy listening, delivering the lyrics are simple but full of meaning in the ears and hearts of his audience. Rudye created by the vocalist and guitarist, "Selamanya" theme of a sense of who ever spent with him and would not end for good. Other personnel from REVARA also argued that in terms of musicality, this time their music genre is a genre that seemed most fitting. REVARA strength lies indeed in some respects. The first arrangement is a combination of music and song selection. With music a little loud but Rudye combine it wi
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