Solo Male Rock Artist.
Stylings similar to: System of a Down, Queensryche, Metalica
I'm putting together a Vamprie themed Rock Opera and believe that my style of Heavy Metal will be appealing to Asian and European rockers.
Live Gig experience playing clubs in Tucson, Sweden, Holland, Israel, Taiwan, and Mexico, and several University of Arizona shows.
I live clean, like to have fun, and want to get my music heard.
Lead Vocalist/Composer with 4 octave range, main singing range is 1st Tenor; I also play Lead Guitar, Rythm Guitar, and Bass.
Latest News
It's been a while... heh. If anyone checks this out, I'm playing in a new band called The Killer Vibes.
Local Alias Bio
Solo Male Rock Artist:
Stylings similar to: Iron Maiden, Queensryche, Dream Theater
Live Gig experience playing clubs in Sweden, Holland, Israel, Mexico, Taiwan, and Tucson Az.
I live clean, like to have fun, and want to get my music heard.
Lead Vocalist/Composer with 4 octave range, main singing range is 1st Tenor; I also play Lead Guitar, Rythm Guitar, and Bass