I am a 26 year-old singer/songwriter originally from Oklahoma, and I have recently completed a 10 song cd of original material at Prairie Sun Studios in Cotati, California entitled Harvesting James.

Harvesting James was co-produced by myself and Gene Cornelius, who has also worked with the renown Tom Waits. Todd Roper, the drummer from the Grammy Award winning band Cake, also played on the entire record as well as bassist Todd Sickafoose, who has recently been touring with Ani DiFranco. The most contributive musician, lead guitarist Dave Mac Nab, has played with the Grammy Award winning Shelby Lynn. Each are truly blessed and helped create the spirit of the music. Because I thoroughly enjoyed the magic of playing music with these musicians, it is my hope to play with them again and/or reform a band as I continue to write more songs and grow as a singer/songwriter. At this point I am trying to put myself out there and allow the music lead me to the next step.

Jay Redelsperger Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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