June Biancalana

June Biancalana


Previous Comments

Hi Donnie! Saw your note to connect. Yes, I'd love that. Your music is awesome. I, too, have a song singed with Black Toast. :) Maybe we can collab in the future. Love your song Don't Stop Me Now.

1 Replies
donnie barren holtzinger
over 30 days ago

Hey June! Good to connect! Love Wild Unknown! And love the guitar playing! :-)

It looks like we were both selected for a NASCAR opportunity...I wasn't sure if you had heard from them yet. I haven't....



over 30 days ago to June Biancalana

Hi June, I'm excited to see a bunch of your music work here. I will give it a go, at buying it through this channel here. Do they have buy the CD's option? I will adventure through this and see how it goes. Thank you

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