The New Up's music has been described in many ways, but NBC San Diego said it best when they called the band "a clear standout... [this] San Francisco five-piece specializes in dark, dreamy rock with gorgeous female vocals," or perhaps Flagpole hit it on the head when they coined the band's music as "striking, exotic and brashly coherent indie pop that feel[s] like the sonic equivalent of a thrill ride." However you describe it, The New Up's music promises to integrate catchy and interesting vocal melodies, ethereal vocal harmonies, powerful lyrical themes and beats that make you wanna move.

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Working on a new album due out in the spring. Sign up for the email list at or to receive sneak peaks, special offers and the latest news and tour schedule!!!


This Artist has 2 Albums


Radiation Mountain
over 30 days ago to The New Up

Hey thanks for your thoughtful review of "Make it Alright." Listening to Gold right now--this is ***** star material. KT Tunstall meets Led Zeppelin. I really really like this: lyrics, vocals, amber guitar tones, and Levee breaking drums. This is excellent!


Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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