I have been song writing for many years and have had songs recorded in Nashville by Bobby Bare, Mary Lou Turner, Jack Grayson, The LaGarde Twins and The Kendalls.

Currently my fields of interest are country and gospel.

Several of my traditional country songs have charted on Billboard's country charts.

In UK's 2006 contest my song "He's Always As Close As Your Shadow" was a runner up and "Let's Hold Hands" was a finalist.
Both songs are included in the Kendal's Gospel Album.

Salem,New Hampshire featured two songs for it's 250th Interfaith
Worship Service: "Amazing Grace" and "Let's Hold Hands"


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over 30 days ago to TED PURVIN

Thank you for your favorable review and comments on my song "The Teacher". I agree that we don't thank our teachers enough for the extremely important contribution they are making to society.
H. Jay Carney

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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