I love the way the lead guitar sounds and the special effects as well - very cool synthesizer parts - very cool, it reminds me a little of Christoper Cross.
Oh-----beam me up Scotty, I am so ready to go. This is why I love to review songs. You never know when you are going to stumble upon a ruby or a diamond like this one.
Nice job on the guitars and the recording
This is upper cool and moody. reminds me (in a good way) of like Santana meets Alan Parson's project. The guitars are well records and played beautifully. I really enjoy hearing guitar music in a world where programmed tracks are now the norm. The synth space echo sounds are very cool, this track is very cinematic and well arranged.
Smooth and flowing guitar-led instrumental, that manages to be relaxing and dynamic at the same time - further characterized by the pulsing electronic bass in pure eighties style and by synthetizer whistle that curiously and continuosly peep through the song, without being disturbing, somehow. The lead guitar is elegant in its phrasings, tone and sound.
Good job on this cool sounding instrumental....
Intro is well arranged in a slow and eclectic way that allows a nice lead in to the guitar. A simply fabulous melody is meticulously picked and played off the fret board of an outstanding electric guitar and player. They radio sounding synth line is nicely woven beneath in subtle fashion and works very well in the song.