Keeper of the Herb

Story Behind The Song

Musical Score to a screen play based on our current government lawlessness, its lies and, anti-Constitutional and anti-American policies, whose sole purpose, is to overthrow the United States and bring it, and the rest of world, under complete dictatorial

Song Description

Planet Earth has been corrupted by two evil families, the Bushes and the Rummies. The Bushes are an evil banking family. They control the world?s economy by loaning countries worthless paper money at high interest rates. The Rummies are a war mongering

Song Length 4:17 Genre Unique - Soundtracks, Unique - General
Tempo Slow (71 - 90) Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Distressed, Disturbed Subject Freedom, Anti
Language English Era 2000 and later


Look what you have done to your world.
It used to be a wonderful place to live.
There is no truth here anymore, just lies and corruption.

The Beast controls everything, terrorizing the planet, waging war against all who would resist its evil command. Everyone is now a suspect. Guilty until the Beast says otherwise. Welcome to the land of the fee and the home of the slave.

you created a republic, where you were king. Free to do as you wish, as long as didn?t violate anyone?s life, liberty, and property. Separation of government powers, gold and silver coin, the right to own property and freedom of religion were all yours. All have been destroyed by the Beast and its vile demonic democratic process. There is nothing left but a shell of your constitution.

Now, if you don?t pay the Beast, your property will be taken away, and sold to another mindless surf to be used in your stead.

War has been declared on you by your servants. War against poverty, war against drugs, war against terrorism and war against any nation who dares to defy the Beast?s dictatorial demands, all in violation of the supreme law of your land, and of the law of the universe.

Your congress no longer answers to you, only to the Beast, creating laws that violate reason, logic and common sense. Even making the natural illegal, denying you access to the Tree of Life.

Judges are irreversibly corrupt, perverting everything that is right, kissing the Ass of the Beast and punishing all that desire true freedom. Your Juries consist of mindless automatons that are nothing more than a rubber stamp for the prosecutor.

Planet Earth is void of all truth. You have been lied to since the day we were born. The only thing that is true is that everything you?ve learned form the Beast is a lie.

It is time for you to leave this Planet. You must free yourself from the world?s deception and become one with the natural law of the living conscience universe. This is where eternal truth manifests its self ? and the truth will make you free.

Sax solo

Seek the Keeper of the Herb. The tree of life is safely in his hands. The Keeper knows who you are.

Use the tree of life to make contact with the conscience universe. Use its flowers to meditate. Use it often. Inhale its vapors and open your mind. You will see the truth and how powerless the Beast is against you.

Gather the enlightened, build Space Earth and leave the planet. Eternal Freedom is yours.

So sayth the Keeper of the Herb

Lyrics Dory Ritrovato Music Dory Ritrovato
Producer Dory Ritrovato Publisher Dory Ritrovato
Performance M-13 Label Space Rock Productions

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