Silence Mayday

Story Behind The Song

I wanted to make people evaluate the meaning of life.

Song Description

Expiremental rock with alternating time signatures.

Song Length 4:34 Genre Rock - Modern, Rock - Progressive Rock
Tempo Non 4/4 Lead Vocal Male Vocal
Mood Distressed, Worried Subject Existence, Airplanes
Language English Era 2000 and later


Tell me again just where I am, how it began, and when it ends
Tell me again just how to land a soaring plane absent of wings

Would you take over for me? I?m tired of piloting
I give you captaincy. Would you silence mayday?

Tell me again just what it means to live at peace with God and man
Tell me again, just how am I supposed to fly with my hands tied?

Lyrics Andre Rodriguez Music Andre Rodriguez
Producer Andre Rodriguez and Luke Fredrickson Publisher none
Label none

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Rest in Peace
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The Forbidden
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Run Away
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Shooting for the Stars
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One More Sad Day
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Pedalin in the Park
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Forgive Me
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Giving You a Reason
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