Hello! I am a Songwriter/Musician. I have hundreds, my wife says thousands, of songs that I have written, mostly by myself, with some collaborations. I am attempting now to get them recorded and marketed.
I can help if you need music or lyrics for your own song. I believe I have a gift for hearing music when I read words. If you want to collaborate please contact me.
I have all the studio equipment I need now to recreate the sounds in my head including ProTools and an interface with 6 XLR inputs.
I am a Full Time Online Student at Full Sail University in the Music Production Bachelor's Degree Program, so I am learning how to get the professional sound out of my DAW software I require.
I play several instruments, but bass and drums are my most proficient. I would rather be known for my songwriting than performance, although I do really like to play the bass (since 1976).
See you at the Grammys!

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Writing New Songs Every Day! Just gotta sit down and get them into ProTools!


Hello! I am a Songwriter/Musician. I have hundreds, my wife says thousands, of songs that I have written, mostly by myself, with some collaborations. I am attempting now to get them recorded and marketed.
I can help if you need music or lyrics for your own song. I believe I have a gift for hearing music when I read words. If you want to collaborate please contact me.
I have all the studio equipment I need now to recreate the sounds in my head including ProTools and an interface with 16 total inputs - 8 XLR & 8 TRS.
I play several instruments, but bass and drums are my most proficient. I would rather be known for my songwriting than performance, although I do really like to play the bass (since 1976).
See you at the Grammys!


Hi there, Sherwood. Thanks for the detailed review of Choose. I don't get into the technicalities but I can see you know what you are talking about. Yep, it's just meant to be a scripture learning motivational song. I use it a lot at kids church camps, etc. Wishing you the best w/ your music. I believe Full Sail is in Orlando....do they have a campus up there or are you an online student? Wishing you the best w/ your music! Mrs. Kate in Florida www.MrsKate.com PS Here is an example of my more recent Christian song recordings: http://www.broadjam.com/player/player.php?play_file=24409_468592 1

2 Replies
Mark Isherwood - isherwoodme
over 30 days ago

Hey Kate! My real name is Mark Isherwood. The "me" at the end of isherwoodme is my first and second initials. Well, I thought it was clever. haha
When I did the review it was a blind review and I couldn't see anything about the artist and commented on the aspects that Broadjam asks the reviewer to comment on. Afterwards, a link appeared to your profile and I sampled some of your rather large catalog of songs. Very nice.
I really liked your voice on that particular song, it has a "pure" tone and is welcome to the ear, especially in this day and age of studio-corrected vocals.
I have at least as many songs but am just beginning to record them now. I think your commitment to children is commendable, as the songwriter for Whitney Houston's song said "I believe our children are the future" is paraphrased from Biblical principles including "train up a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not depart from it." is a much-needed ministry.
I am taking full-time Online classes at Full Sail. I just discovered they had Online degree programs last year, as I had wanted to go to the campus in Orlando for many years.
I will be uploading new material starting next week, I will be sending many songs to contests and submissions, as I want to make songwriting my future career and quit my day job.
Keep In Tune!

Kate Carpenter
over 30 days ago

Hey Mark, nice to meet you. I think it's great you are going back to school. My "day job" is being a preacher's wife, but I don't get paid for that (except eternal rewards!). I consider myself a full time musician, although right now I don't have a lot of gigs. The summer is looking very busy, though. This time spent not performing has been good for me though. Have written a few new tunes lately and trying to get my butterfly song up to performance standard for the butterfly festival I am singing at in April. Hope to hear more of your music in the near future! Mrs. Kate PS Thanks for the encouragement! I can always use that!

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