In 1888, Edouard Dujardin first used the technique of stream of consciousness in his novel Les Lauriers sont Coupes. This technique records the multifarious thoughts and feelings of a character without regard to logical argument or narrative sequence. The technique received further exposure in 1922, when James Joyce published Ulysses, a freakin' long novel in which the activities of two characters were chronicled over 24 hours in stream of consciousness style. Decades later, critics selected Ulysses as the most important novel of the century. Indeed, the novel sits proudly on the bookshelf in Neil's living room, and although neither he nor Teo have read it, the technique of stream of consciousness may describe their technique of songwriting, sort of...only instead of being conscious, they usually dream about the songs and when they wake up, there they are. Hence, the band often practices music early in the morning on weekends after watching a lot of TV.

Stream Unconscious Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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