Smitty and Al's partnership was created ten years ago, 1995. Both have played music over 40 years.
The team Smitty & Al no longer play concerts or club dates but spend many hours in Al's studio.
Our desire, as a writting team, is to SELL OUR MATERIAL, Not perform it. Smitty creates the lyrics &
basic format. Most of his lyrics are based on his lifes experiences laced with his wit.Got to know him.
Smitty also sings all the lead,plays rythym guitar and bass. Al arranges,records and adds all the background vocals,guitar parts,effects and plays lead guitar.
Al played guitar throughout So Cal area in house bands at The Score,and both Bob
Eubanks Cinnamon Cinders,Long Beach & No Hollywood. He was with the opening band for the
ROLLING STONES 1st USA tour.Al then joined THE HONDELLS & toured with the BEACH BOYS,
JAN & DEAN,The RIGHTIOUS BROS & other mainstream groups.Al also played Vegas for years in
headline shows, encluding Lee Greenwood, early in Lee's carrier.


This Artist has 1 Playlist
Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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