I am a songwriter from Warrington, UK. I write most pop songs with great hooks and thought provoking/clever lyrics. The songs I write are usually based on personal experience and carry depth.


Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Shell Perris

Shell......it's the Corey's again, listening to "Light A Fire",WOWZA...the Chorus is GIANT!!! Terrific Vocals!! Incredible arrangement, very original composition...super job!! Your voice sounds like Katy Perry...You go Girl!!!
5 Stars & 32 Likes........
M & A Corey....please come on down to our B-Jam Site...........

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Shell Perris

Dear Shell Perris, we are listening to your tune, "You Gave Me Hope" nice song, very sweet vocals and cool arrangement!! Good Job!!
Gave you 5 stars and a giant LIKE!!
If you get a chance, come on down to our site and we'll leave the light on.
M & A Corey
World Peace Pleace.....................

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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