Thank you for visiting my profile. I look forward to meeting new people and sharing my songs with as many people as possible. Please read my bio to learn more about me. I am a lyricist and am currently looking for someone to work with to produce some of my song lyrics in to completed songs so they can be pitched. Please contact me if you are Interested in this type of joint venture. Most of my lyrics are written in an Alternative style with a male vocalist however I do vary a bit.


Latest News

Internet Love debut - For the first time Internet Love will be heard on live radio. On Sunday, March 29th, 2009, Berklee's College of Music's Internet Radio Station ( will play "Internet Love".

Michigan Songwriter

My name is Ron and I am a songwriter from Michigan. As the story goes I was a closet songwriter for many years, before I began sharing my songs with others. Once I began sharing my songs, and after seeing people enjoy them so much the feeling was so overwhelming I had to continue sharing my songs with more people. Upon sharing my songs with friends and family, I decided to get professional reviews of my songs. Once the reviews came back with great feedback I again decided to take my songwriter to a new level. In January 2008, I entered my first International songwriting contest. In February I received my first of six awards in 2008, for 3 different songs. In 2009 I again plan to take my songs to the next level. In March of 2009 for the first time one of my songs was aired on live radio. Internet Love" was played on Berklee's College of Music's Internet Radio show ( I now look forward to all the opportunities that 2009 will brings to share my songs with more people.

I am now seeking joint ventures and/or collaboration with other music professionals. I have many great songs and many more even better ideas. I truly believe that many very good bands don't make it in this business because they do not have a powerful enough song. As a lyricist I write very original and unique lyrics that are sure to catch the listeners attention. Most of my songs are written in an Alternative style with a male perspective but as you will hear I have the ability to write in various formats. I truly believe that I have a special gift and my songs will not only be enjoyed my many people in the years to come.

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