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Elizabeth Ecstasy
Auburndale, FL
The name is Elizabeth, Elizabeth Ashley Jonas to be exact.
For the record, I don't know if I'm related to the Jonas Brothers and care if I am.
I have one piercing at the moment (besides my basic earlobes, one I need redone, and 3 I'm definitely planning on getting).
I absolutely hate stupid, ditzy, and overly cocky people.
I'm open minded enough to talk about anything and still
respect the other side of the subject that is being discussed.
I believe that everything happens for a reason but not because
of a higher power that has a plan for each person in this world.
I'm a big believer in karma and it always tends to payback those that do me wrong.
I hate arguing and believe that everything can be settled in a civil tone of voice (yelling to get a point across is never necessary).
I can be outgoing at times but other than my friends I don't care much for the rest of society.
My grandparents are my inspiration in life and music is my favorite drug (that I'm a big critic of).
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Vi: 00110110
Clean Clean
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