NO FALLBACK PLAN's "One Billion And One Ways To Survive Without Sunlight" Coming SoonNo Fallback Plan could not be a better name for the band, as it describes them and their lives perfect. Wes Ferris and Devin Hord have always heard from everyone in their lives to always "have a fallback plan for if you don't make it." Well to them, good advice it may be, it sounded like they should plan to fail.

"That is just not us, and not the way we operate. We will not, and do not expect to fail. There is no ego behind that, just ambition."

The history of No Fallback Plan

No Fallback Plan could not be a better name for the band, as it describes them and their lives perfect. Wes Ferris and Devin Hord have always heard from everyone in their lives to always "have a fallback plan for if you don't make it." Well to them, good advice it may be, it sounded like they should plan to fail.

"That is just not us, and not the way we operate. We will not, and do not expect to fail. There is no ego behind that, just ambition."

No Fallback Plan have played together for over 12 years, and are trying to create a listening experience. Music that takes you places even though your sitting still. They try to think outside the box, and not imitate what was done yesterday, this is what sets them apart from a lot of the bands on the radio. With songs ranging from "The Day I Closed My Eyes," a new style digital rock song, with touching lyrics that a lot of people can relate to, that has recently been published with research music, and registered with BMI. To songs with a heavier feel and deeper tones like "Away," and "Cruel May." The range of music on the up and coming album is very impressive. Jon Sidel from V2 music, (a branch of Virgin Records) recently took notice, and has requested two more songs, a bio on No Fallback Plan's vision on where they see their music going, and more promo photos. So, NFP's hopes are high right now, and very much appreciate all the support over the last few months.

NFP grew up in a very small town with nothing to do, until they discovered music. After that, music is all they have done since. Sometimes spending whole days practicing. The two core members, Wes Ferris and Devin Hord, have always remained the same. When Wes started playing guitar at age 12, and picked it up very quickly, he was giving lessons as soon as he got his licence to drive. Around the same time Wes picked up the guitar, Devin had done the same, and caught on just as quick. They then started playing little shows for their friends and family. From that point on, they were bonded as a band for life. Devin, one year younger than Wes bought his first drum kit at age 15. Since that time, that has been the core lineup of No Fallback Plan. They have played together so long now that when writing it is like they are in each others head. There is just no need for words any more. They have become, over the years, as tight as a guitar player and drummer can get, not missing a step.

"We dedicate our lives to music, and nothing else matters. We will do whatever it takes to get to the top, and let nothing stand in our way. We do what we love, and we love what we do."

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