Michael "Boots" Robinson didn't write a song until he was fifty years old. Eight years later, he's been named to the Utah Performing Arts Tour five times, performed over 900 solo shows, won dozens of poetry and songwriting contests, and has performed his works throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, South America, and on Cruise ships on the seven seas. His meticulous wordsmiting and inventive-but-traditional-sounding music has made him a nitch with western/Folk afficianados everywhere. Well known, too, for his western poetry, he has released two books and five CDs, and has won the Silver Buckle at the Western Legends Roundup four times. His work is known for philosophical and sensitive views of life, and his ballads have been compared with Marty Robbins and Johnny Cash. People say he sounds like Chris LeDoux and Martu Robbins, with an engaging, true voice, and an intimate way of working a crowd.

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Recently featured for his cowboy poetry on the Australian Broadcasting Company networks, Michael "Boots" Robinson continues to be a local and regional success. Since his five years on the Utah Arts Council's Performing Arts Tour, Boots is a regular performer at regional amphitheaters and evening-in-the-park venues. He's also a regular performer at over 75 of the area's Assisted Living Centers, where he brightens up the days of the elderly.


This Artist has 3 Albums
Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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