Looking for: Songs about loss; lost friendship or lost love.
Explicit Lyrics Accepted: No
Instrumentals Accepted: Yes
Synopsis: "Twenty-somethings Barry, Jim and Jess are the unlikeliest of friends, yet the bonds of high school are forever cemented in their hearts despite their differences. However, as time has passed, Jim's career move to California has amplified those differences, as Barry struggles to find an art school that will accept him and Jess waits for lightning to strike within the confines of their small Midwestern hometown. One day, without warning, Barry dies - seemingly as a result of an accident at the dam nearby, where he used to hang out. The sudden emotional turmoil forces Jim, stranded at an airport where he befriends fellow passenger Lily, and Jess, preparing for the funeral with Barry's father, to confront their feelings - about each other, about Barry, about their own lives - all the while trying to determine if it was an accident or the result of a successful suicide attempt after such rough times."