Looking For: Modern songs in any style; songs that college students would be listening to on current radio. It's not required, but since this is for a horror film the songs can also be dark and reference some of the following subjects: Serial killers, devil worship, curses and so on.
Explicit Lyrics Accepted: No
Instrumentals Accepted: No
Synopsis: "This film revolves around a pair of college students that travel to a small town in Delaware to complete their film school video thesis about a deceased child-killing devil worshiper named Angus Greene. Murdered some 35 years ago, Greene's path of rage has lingered in this small town all the way up to present day, where now a very popular Halloween-haunted hayride amusement attraction resides on the very ground he once owned. Mysterious accidental deaths piled up on the land, only adding to local suspicion about this area being cursed by the evil that Greene represented. On this one very dark night, these filmmakers, on a mission to capture answers, will find out if these myths really are real!"