Looking For: Love songs/ballads about a woman named Susan.
Suggested Lyrics/Subject Matter:
Laughing together feels so good
I miss her when we are apart
He doesn't want to be with anyone else
Her picture, her voice, her name on my PDA brings a smile
She is my muse
I've never felt this way before
Explicit Lyrics Accepted: No
Instrumentals Accepted: Yes
Description: Broadjam has been contracted by an individual that is looking for a song about a loved one named Susan. This person is looking to present this song as a gift, and it will not be used for commercial use. The song is intended for private use, so artists will retain all of their rights. The artist who is selected will receive a one-time, $500 payment.
The suggested subject matter above is not required, but covering those topics in your song should increase the likelihood of being selected. The song should also be sung in first person as if you are singing directly to Susan. Here are some of Susan's personal traits that may also help inspire you:
- Pale blue eyes
- Little girl smile
- Warm, generous, loving, caring, unassuming, loves her family and is loved by all that she touches
- Her 3 daughters are the apple of her eye