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Throwing Shapes
over 30 days ago to Throwing Shapes

To help launch the popular U.K Mens magazine 'Maxim' in Sydney Australia. Perth, Western Australian drum and bass act and 'Unearthed' dance chart regulars 'Throwing Shapes' tracks 'Desire Lines' and 'Strange Chemistry' (now available on itunes) have recently appeared in Maxim's online photo shoot promo video's of Melissa Kelly and super model Jeniffer Hawkins.
"It was quite amazing to hear the words 'Throwing Shapes' and Jeniffer Hawkins in the same sentence" Said Throwing Shapes front man Matt Huxtable, on hearing the news.

Throwing Shapes track 'Strange Chemistry' will also appear on the hugely successful 'Sounds Like Cafe' compilation cd volume 33 that goes out to 1200 cafe's around Australia next week. Along side other artists such as Matt from Beautiful Girls, Dave Stewert from Eurythmics, John Waters, Seeker Lover Keeper and other indi artists.

Throwing Shapes play The Rosemount Hotel (Perth) on Wednesday October 12.
$5 entry, Doors open 8pm

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