A singer-songwritter that writes english and spanish s o u l f u l pop-rock tunes on the 6 string guitar. Techincaly, a bass player (both 4 & 5 strimg), Bleu also composes instrumental material, some of which lends itself to use in film and television scores. His "real " job as a veterinarian , which he also loves, keeps him busy practicing in the Miami area. The music ( 0 h t h e m u s i c ), has become more than just a fulfilling hobby as he has become more serious in the recording and marketing of his original songs and instrumental compositions. Bleu also enjoys performing locally and plays a repertoir of mostly 60's and 70's rock and soul music along with some of his original material.


This Artist has 1 Album


Terry Easton
over 30 days ago to Bleu Rose

Nice sounds!

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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