I'm a life adventurer and singer/songwriter - and not necessarily in that order!! I have been an artist and demo singer for what seems most of my life - and no matter where I venture, songwriting is always my travel companion! For many years, I shared time between New York and Nashville - eventually landing in New Jersey. However, the musical adventure continues......

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My song On My Knees was just named a Finalist in the Country category in the 2021 SongDoor Song Contest. Check it out and congrats to all of the winners!


John Walradt
over 30 days ago to Angela Randion

Hi, Angela. You write great songs about core feelings and things that really matter. I excitedly pointed out "Holes" and "You Don't Get Me" to my wife, Lora, who will get on to listen. I'm on the autism spectrum with Aspergers and I struggled with trying to blend in and trying to climb up to be equal with everyone else. My song, "Equal!," is my theme that also can be a feminist theme that took me a year to write trying to make it universal as well as personal. I write from vulnerable experiences and from the hopes I had. Your songwriting really strikes me. I was glad to see that "You Don't Get Me" stuck with your truth and convictions and didn't end with giving in. I've seen that theme a lot but then the story twists, gives in to the male, and it is so disappointing. "Holes" is a painful and important story that must be told, and you tell it so incredibly well! I'm very much a melody person and the tunes in both songs fit the emotions and the story that accompanies them. I try my best to write stories to accompany the tunes. Anyway, I'll certainly listen to more of your songs. Come over to my page and listen to a few of mine, too, if you'd like.
With admiration for your songwriting, John

Margie & Art Corey
over 30 days ago to Angela Randion

Dear Angela, listening to your very cool song, "I Can't Wait", 5 Stars & Likes!! Really enjoyed your Voice and music is really well produced!!
Love to connect with you thru Broad Jam, we have some pretty interesting tunes, that you might like!!
The Corey's.............

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