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We could launch into the intricate details of the droll existences that formed our lives before 'The Doppler Shift' took shape, but those stories are locked in vaults waiting for their release in drunken tales and Eulogies.

The important part of the story and where this particular little tale should begin, is behind the crooked blacked out windows and on the soiled shoe scuffed streets of Brighton in Sussex, where 3 like-minded (read: bitter, cynical and creatively frustrated) individuals of mixed stature began meddling with clicks and pops that would finally gestate into rhythms and beats.

Inspired by the broadest and smallest of life's trivialities, our charge is to draw attention to what others might miss. Some things are too small to see, others too great, in either case we are trying with each anxious lyric and nervous melody to find a way of telling something that may have gone unnoticed.


Because often it's hard to see things for yourself. Like termites chewing on load bearing beams in your house, or the 200ft Bright Yellow 'K' behind you as you ask a passerby for directions to IKEA. Because the subtleties of life that are so often overlooked, bring with them the highest rewards.

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