...I'm talking some years ago, a really cool idea was presented by our acting teacher. We were going to do our scenes in our underwear! Our performance would be real, volatile, ... vulnerable!!!
Vulnerable? Well, maybe this idea was cool, but I wasn't!... cool, that is! I was uncomfortable, to say the very least!
Well, this is going to be sort of like that!
For one year, I am going to be writing and recording one song per week and offering it as a free download. You can let me know what you think, if you like.
Why call this project "Teddy and Me"? Well, Teddy is my almost 70 pound, golden retriever puppy. He just wants to play. He loves Chopin and has danced to the beat of my new ukulele. So, I figure that if I give him a bit of credit here, maybe he'll cooperate!! Well... maybe...
Oh, and if you would like to be notified of each free download, please sign up on my homepage.

Latest News

"Do You Love Me Now?" acoustic just made the top 10 list for country contemporary! 8/8/11
"Do You Love Me Now?" acoustic was licensed to MTV!
"Do You Love Me Now?" acoustic will be playing on "Women of Substance Internet Radio" and starting July 4th, will be featured on one of their weekly programs.
"Do You Love Me Now?" was placed in the new indie film, "DETOUR".


Do you love me now is really a cool tune!

Hey Susan - just listened to "Do You Love Me Now" love the feeling of this song ! :)

2 Replies
Susan Busatti Giangano
over 30 days ago

Thank you, Maureen. I just love your music, so coming from you that means a lot. Best to you, always.

Maureen Fichten
over 30 days ago

That is so nice - you made my day :)

ms G: couldn't visit the Bjam roster without a visit to an all fave - lady, I will forever be a fan and friend. . .

2 Replies
Susan Busatti Giangano
over 30 days ago

Well, Peter... I can assure you that the feeling is mutual. (... with a bit of white out on 'lady'.) You are awesome!! To 2013... and to you!

Creative InRoads, LLC
over 30 days ago

apply the white out as you see fit. . .

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