"Introducing Mister Frisky" is a merging of group leader Danny Lovett's favorite musical stylings from the "Golden Age" of both Progressive Rock and Funk, the 1970's and 80's. Multilayered guitar harmonies over complex drumming, interspersed with hard hitting "Slap style" bass fills and blazing guitar solos, all molded into distinctively diverse thematic arrangements.

Sounds Like: Kansas, Stanley Clarke


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Top 10! You the man!

1 Replies
Introducing Mister Frisky
over 30 days ago

Show me the $$$$$

A quick thank you for a very flattering and thorough review of my instrumental, Blue. Naturally, it was influenced by Santana, sadly I'm not quite in the same league. It's an oldish track and probably due revisiting at some stage and your observations will be very useful when I do. It is available via my website at https://www.bobbentleymusic.com/ins trumental-and-speciality-songs?wix- music-comp-id=comp-j9rn8pcb&wix-mus ic-track-id=5354995289423872
Thanks again.


Very Rush sounding and so original at the same time - extremely psychedelic, TSW

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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