Dirtt Durk Kram/Epic/Sony
Whoa up BJ thkns fo ur support.
I just got an offer to wrk wit...Kram Records/Epic/Sony
Thks to who ever it was tht passed a word on for me....I THINK I KNW WHO IT WAS......N i wanna THNK HIM SO MUCH........boy u just never knw i thought id never ever get THIS FAR.......N NOT THS FAST,
U ppl tell ur frnds or other artist...tht BROADJAM GETS PPL DEALS....NUFF SAID
Most songs here are demos not full mixs or mastered.
If U like it u can get a full mix.
As I dnt trust 2 many ppl,cause some ppl n the industry have stole my songs or tried 2 sound like me hahahaha......fools u cant sound like my style...... cause ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i aint got no style u better go 2 GOD cause thts where my style comes from........hahahahaha,or u better go n 2 a trance like MJ..hahahaha RIP.NAW NAW WAIT...bet ur use n tht DOPE BOY MAJIC...hahaha...
WITCH DOCTORS..........hahahaha
Thks BroadJam for ur support lets make tht doe if u do me right we gona make tht MONEY...but most of all give PPL good MUSIC
Dirtt Durk Da Texas Boy
HAMAZON-Sims Bayou Boys
The Texas Boys-Hater Hurter
Jefferson INK
Party'In Your Town To Night'
Fight The Pipe
You Should Be Dancin
Girl You Turn Me On
Taught By;
Willie B Jefferson,Earl T Dunbar Jr
Willie B Jefferson Jr,Skipper Lee
Dean Bell,Amiel Muphury
Archie Bell,Wash Allen
Ray Barnett,Charles Bush
My Aunt Alice Price
'Big Richard'Simpson
Rap-A-Lot,Simon'Crazy C Cullen'
Mike Dean,NO JOE
Scare Face,Preston Middelton
Bishop Burell,