Singer Songwriter Derrick Harris is characterized by memorable melodies, prolific lyrics, and heartfelt honesty. Combined with a groove that makes you wanna shake your booty, Derrick Harris is definitely worth checking out.My name is Derrick Harris and I’m from Birmingham, AL. I’ve loved music since the day that I heard Michael Jackson and knew that God had something cool for me to do with the music I loved. My music reflects what is going on in my life…the real stuff. Life can be hard…and great…and confusing…all at the same time. Maybe you are going through something I’ve gone through or maybe you just like the vibe of a song. Either way, I hope that I can be a positive influence as I grow, learn, fall, and get back up again. The purpose in my music is pretty simple. I want to be a light in a dark world.

A lot of people are hurting and searching for answers. Music provides a great way to answer some of their questions. Or to leave some questions unanswered. We need hope and trut

Press Info

“To be certain, Derrick’s vocal and guitar skills rival most of his contemporaries, but it’s his writing talents that truly distinguish him.” --

“I think the kid is a great songwriter, and has a great voice, and sounds like he’s a great musician too…He’s got a lot of talent.” -- Rick Burgess**

“I understand what he does….I’m impressed by it.” -- Bill “Bubba” Bussey**

“I’m really, really diggin’ this music.” -- Dan Keen, VP ASCAP, Nashville

“Derrick Harris should be one of the major forces of Contemporary Christian Music in the near future.” -- Bruce Von Stiers,

“He’s the best thing since sliced bread. To see him drive the fans crazy from stage was like watching Elvis, only better.” -- Ann Ruckert, Governor NARAS, Songwriters Guild of America

“Derrick’s lyrics are in fact very smart. This could easily be a book of poetry; it’s not pretentious in any way, yet it has a certain feel to it that is more profound than the average song lyric in this day and age.” --

“This artist really delivers with powerful songs and an incredible voice that is reminiscent of Five For Fighting and Dave Mathews.” --

** From the nationally syndicated radio program, The Rick N’ Bubba Show.

Similar Artists

Dave Mathews, Five For Fighting, Train, Elvis, Pearl Jam


Michael Jackson, Rolling Stones, Pearl Jam, Motown, Garth Brooks, Dave Matthews, Phish


My name is Derrick Harris and I’m from Birmingham, AL. I’ve loved music since the day that I heard Michael Jackson and knew that God had something cool for me to do with the music I loved. My music reflects what is going on in my life…the real stuff. Life can be hard…and great…and confusing…all at the same time. Maybe you are going through something I’ve gone through or maybe you just like the vibe of a song. Either way, I hope that I can be a positive influence as I grow, learn, fall, and get back up again. The purpose in my music is pretty simple. I want to be a light in a dark world.

A lot of people are hurting and searching for answers. Music provides a great way to answer some of their questions. Or to leave some questions unanswered. We need hope and truth. My lyrics are honest and from my heart. I try to write music for the soul. I like to deal with the tough issues while being an encouragement. I’m committed to working hard and being used as God would see fit. “They can call my bluff, they can call my name… Still, I will be here for You.” These are lyrics from the song I Will Be Here for You on my new project, 3 on the Left. If people like what I do, or if they don’t – I’m still God’s and will keep writing, playing, singing, and praying. Thanks for your time and I hope that you will like what you hear.

- Derrick


This Artist has 2 Albums
Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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