Created In the Bronx, the birthplace of Hip-Hop, Balliztic began at an early age to become engulfed in the world of the MC. His musical prowess is second to none and he has developed a unique and original sound that has, and will, carry him to the furthest level of rap and producing.

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Check out the latest edition of "Weekly Cyphers" on youtube now!!


Martin Gate
over 30 days ago to Balliztic

Hi, hope you're doing great? Do you have a single you would love to add on our playlist? Email mp3 file to for guaranteed radio play to thousands of listeners who will like your style of music.

over 30 days ago to Balliztic

Great music! Good luck with everything!

Susan Witzel
over 30 days ago to Balliztic

Creepy is Creepy! Enjoyed it, good luck with it!

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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