A Chicago kid who's lived in Ohio, Miami, Buenos Aires, and now Utah, and has gone across the world twice and back. A jet setter with a good day job, A Rubin brings you an authentic hip hop sound from his soul that you wouldn't expect from someone like him if you saw him out on the street.


This Artist has 2 Playlists


John Mac
over 30 days ago to arubin@

good tune bro

John Mac
over 30 days ago to arubin@

Your music deserves more plays than im seeing here..are you signed to Libraries etc

2 Replies
over 30 days ago

I am not. I copyright my material and I'm an ASCAP member. I have a demanding full time sales career but this last year during quarantine I exploded w music and have put my whole life basically into it.

John Mac
over 30 days ago

Either was i 18 months ago now i have multiple deals 10 plus..2 thru Broadjam....I find there is a lot of poor songwriting but you have some definite strong stuff..Frequency is very strong....Playboys very good but personally think it needs a stronger chorus....i dont write many hip hop songs..written two and two signed..Born to win on my site is one of them..Well done on the songs..refreshing to hear

over 30 days ago to arubin@

Massive Respect bro. Thanks for the friend request. I'm gonna check out your music.

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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