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we have a Creep Show on halloween on west texas st., Fairfield, Ca. Its a big city halloween festival, also look for us at the skatepark in august

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It all started when dan(drums) and Mike(guitar) moved to Fairfield from Santa Clara. That was when Mike met the guy who would change him and his brothers(Dan) lives forever. His name is Jeff(Bass). Jeff had been playing guitar for about 4 years before Mike met him. Jeff took Mike under his wing and tought him about the guitar and how to read music. Then Mike just took off from there. About 2 years later Dan was seeing how good his brother was doing with the guitar and decided he wanted to get into music more so he started on the drums with a really crappy beetles drum set that costed 200$. But after about only a halfe a year he was doing some mad rolls and solos. He had the natural talent just like his brother. At around the same time Mike and Jeff were jammin together with a drummer they knew. Makin up some cool songs and arranging them. Thats when Mike saw how good Dan was coming along and the three of them started jammin. Thats how the basis of Suffocate the Creep was formed.
They found a singer who they were reffered to by Jeffs uncle. He was good but his personality just didnt fit them.
So they went on as a three peice peice for a while practicing their songs and getting them down pat. Another singer came along and we let him in. He was an awesome friend but he just didnt have what it took to be in a rock band. So once again they went on as a three peice practicing and perfecting. Next they started getting really tired of not having a vocalist so they went on an extens

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