I am very grateful for the opportunity to have worked with all the talented musicians, singers and co-writers in years past. They helped make my music a reality and this site possible. Also being a part of Red Knight Air Shows the past two years was indeed an honor. Thanks to all!
I have produced two CD's entitled "the Parable" and "Tulephee". The Parable is original compositions with various singers, guitarists and co-writers. The Parable was produced on CD in 2000. Tulephee is a children's musical play written by Warren H. Gore with music by myself and Warren. Tullephee was first performed in 1999 when it debuted at the Manchester Arts Center. The CD was produced in 2003.
The "Red Knight Theme Song" can be heard at airshows around the country.
You can listen to all my songs for Free here or click on the "Links" key to find other sites for FREE Music Downloads.
And a special Thanks to all who have signed my Guestbook! I appreciate your feedback.

Latest News

2007 promises to be an exciting year for Otley. His music will now will be featured at venues around the country with Red Knight Airshows. As pilot Chris Rounds amazes airshow fans with the Lockheed T-33 vintage aircraft "the Red Knight", a song by Otley entitiled "the Red Knight Theme Song" will play on the ground. Check the web links on this site now for the remaining shows this season.

Press Info

"the Parable" released in 2000 and "Tulephee" released in 2003.

Similar Artists

John Tesh, Yanni, Elton John


Mozart, Bethoven, and the Beatles.


Otley began studying piano at the age of 7 and continued for another 8 years. He wrote his 1st song at the age of 10 and began writing seriously at the age of 18. During the mid 80's he studied music theory, composition, and piano in college. During the late 90's he began recording on the computer and built his 1st recording studio at his home. He does all the drums, bass, other guitars, strings, orchestral instruments, synth, organ and piano sounds via midi keyboards in his studio.
Otley produced 2 CD's entitled "the Parable" and "Tulephee". The Parable is his own original compositions with various singers and guitarists.The Parable was released on CD and cassette in 2000. Tulephee is a children's musical play written by Warren H. Gore with music by Otley. Tullephee was first performed in 1999 when it debuted at the Manchester Arts Center. The CD was recorded and produced in 2003.
2007 promises to be an exciting year for Otley. His music will now will be featured at venues around the country with Red Knight Airshows. As pilot Chris Rounds amazes airshow fans with the Lockheed T-33 vintage aircraft "the Red Knight", a song by Otley entitiled "the Red Knight Theme Song" will play on the ground. Check the web links on this site now for the remaining shows this season.
Also, be sure to click on the "Links" key above to find sites for FREE Music Downloads of a few of Otley's songs.

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