That's a very old picture, but I still like it.
Started out around 1992 installing sound systems and mixing bands.
Born into a musician's family. Built and wired my first system around 12 years old.
Heavily involved in church production for more than 15 years.
Built and operated several studios over the years.
Traveled as a hired gun sound guy more than 12 years.
Sold off the gear and last studio in 2011. Retired.
Began freelance blogging and writing in 2012.
Picked up by several magazines and websites in 2013.
This site is the dumping grounds for my audio articles.
I have been writing for ProSoundWeb and Live Sound International since 2013.
This is my primary site, covering virtually everything.

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Websites and blogs updated constantly.
Click any of those links to see what is happening these days.


over 30 days ago to M. Erik Matlock

M. Erik Matlock Friends

Clean Clean

Clean Clean

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