Dance of the Divine

"Dance of the Divine" is a unique collection of electronic dance music created by The Sand Men, a collaboration between Alex Shay, from Sidney, Australia and Albert Vinasco, from Buenos Aires, Argentina. This collection represents a departure from both artist's core genres. Both Shay and Vinasco share a passion for music, the truth, and that which is not spoken, but clearly heard and witnessed. Their music is inspired by The Bright, The Night, The Light, The Street, The City, The Plastic, The Life and is in turn designed to inspire Dancing with the Divine. All songs were written and arranged by Alex Shay and Albert Vinasco. Lyrics and vocals by Alex Shay and Albert Vinasco. Rhythm and lead guitars, bass guitars, drum and percussion programming, analog synthesizers, software synthesizers, mixing and production by Albert Vinasco. "Dance of the Divine" was released January 1, 2007 and is now available at the following online stores: iTunes, Rhapsody, iLike, Napster, MusicNet, eMusic, Sony Connect, Groupie Tunes, Amazon MP3,, ShockHound and Amie Street. To listen to "Dance of The Divine", please visit:


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